- 学びはじめるときに…
- How not to learn Rust (2021) 学ぶときにやめといたほうがいいことのリスト。
- 一般OOP関連
- What OOP gets wrong about interfaces and polymorphism — Dawid Ciężarkiewicz aka
Designing and maintaining swappable (open set, polymorphic) interfaces between components is a cost. It requires unifying the view of all callers/callees behind the same API, oftentimes reversing the control flow in unnatural ways, and cascading into introducing even more interfaces. Being able to swap and combine components is a benefit, sure. But always make sure the benefits outweigh the costs.
Whenever you can accept the fact that a certain set will be closed, and changing it will require adding handling code in all the client code, take it. It’s a small price for not having to deal with the additional abstraction, indirection, and complexity.
- Open set = generics, closed = enum
- What OOP gets wrong about interfaces and polymorphism — Dawid Ciężarkiewicz aka
- 小ネタ
- What’s your top rust tip / crate / tool / other for beginners and pros alike? : rust (2021) tips, cratesいろいろ
- 悩めるINFPもしくはHSPのために
- https://developer.feedforce.jp/entry/2020/12/11/172338
- モブプロよさそう
- http://www1.odn.ne.jp/xenom/
- 英語データベース
- http://intex.tokyo
- https://note.com/sogitani/n/n9c205c0110d3
- 効率よく時間を使う
- todoist + google calendar
- https://sitekuru.net
- 作業BGM
- http://github.com/gothinkster/realworld
- http://www.ohira.or.jp/cd/book/index.html
- 大平氏の著作
- https://thebookofshaders.com/
- https://www.ice.tohtech.ac.jp/nakagawa/laplacetrans/Laplace1_c2.htm
- 2階の定数変化法
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- http://www.ge.kochi-ct.ac.jp/~kyozai/hennyu/hen_moku.htm
- 編入数学過去問集
- 教員により解説がありがたいが、やや古い
- http://www.phys.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/~maeno/cgi-bin/pukiwiki/index.php?%B9%D6%B5%C1%CF%BF%A4%D8%A4%CE%A5%EA%A5%F3%A5%AF
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- ほぼ書籍なPDFもある
- https://eman-physics.net/electromag/dipole.html
- EMAN 電気双極子モーメント
- https://mathwords.net/kakuritsunowa
- 確率論で使う畳み込みがわかる
- これはラプラス・フーリエで使うものとは少し趣が違う
- 確率論で使う畳み込みがわかる
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